Welcome to Temple Beth Shalom!
***Non-members who wish to attend High Holy Day services at Temple Beth Shalom***
You can purchase guest tickets. To request tickets, please contact Amy McCormick, ticket coordinator, at e-mail: membership@tbshudson.org. In your e-mail, please leave your full name (first and last) as well as your phone number and best contact e-mail so Amy can get back to you.
Temple Beth Shalom is a dynamic congregation of about 100 families, under the leadership of Rabbi Michael Ross. Known as the Synagogue of the Western Reserve, we are a Reform Jewish congregation, affiliated with the national organizations of that movement.
Although the Temple has grown over the years, it endeavors to maintain a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Please come join us so we can share who we are today and our vision for the future.
The Temple is located in a beautiful, historic building at 50 Division Street in Hudson. Friday night services are held twice a month at 7:30 p.m. For a schedule of services and other activities, see our Calendar page.
Address: 50 Division Street, Hudson, OH 44236
P.O. Box 2230, Hudson, OH 44236
330-656-1800, Please Note: there is no on-site staff and there may be a delay in retrieving and returning messages left at this number.
Office hours vary; please email for appointment.
Rabbi: rabbimichaelross@gmail.com
Education Director: education@tbshudson.org
President: president@tbshudson.org
Membership: membership@tbshudson.org
Accounting: accounting@tbshudson.org
February 13, 2025
Issue #702
Letter from Rabbi Ross
Dear TBS Friends and Family,
Today is Tu Bishvat, the new year of the trees.
A year ago, I was in Israel on an educational trip, exploring the communities in and around Gaza.
At the site of the Nova dance festival, red poppies were starting to bloom.
Annual Red Poppy Festivals are typically held during times of peace.
We continue to pray for the release of the Israeli hostages. The last 3 hostages were so emaciated, that we know there is urgency in all of their releases.
I also continue to declare my strong, clear opposition to the transfer of Gazans from their homes.
My signature appeared alongside more than 350 other American rabbis in this ad in today’s New York Times.
This Saturday, we will have a Prayer Essentials class at 9:00, and Torah Study at 9:45.
Tu Bishvat treats will be served!
TBS’ Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Starting this winter!
Have you wanted to transform your adult understanding of Judaism into a meaningful ritual? We are forming an adult b’nai mitzvah class this fall. We will spend the next 18 months studying together. Each student will read from the Torah, lead part of a group prayer service, and deliver a D’var Torah.
Rabbi Michael Ross and Jean Beasley will be the instructors. Costs will be determined by enrollment.
– Jewish Prayer Essentials – structure & meaning of prayers (Fall ’24: Saturday mornings before Torah Study, from 9:00 – 9:45 am)
– Making Prayer Real – the art of prayer (Spring ’25, Saturdays before Torah Study, from 9:00 – 9:45 am)
– Basic Hebrew (Winter and Spring ’25, class time to be determined)
– Torah Reading & Chanting (Fall ’25)
– Spiritual Autobiography writing (Fall ’25 or Spring ’26)
TBS Legacy Fund Update
Participation increasing!
I want to thank everyone who are answering the call to join us in owning and preserving our building and the Jewish presence it represents. Since last week participation has increased from 29% to 40%, great progress but still looking to get that up to 80, 90, 100%.
Again, no contribution is too small, and our match is still happening so whatever you give will be doubled. Our total is up to 70% so let’s keep this going.
Contributions can be made by check, stock or right on our website. And if you use Zeffy to process your credit card you can choose the amount you want for fees all the way down to 0%. Let’s do this!
Thank you and blessings to all,
Save the Date! February 22, 2025
Back by Popular Demand! TBS Bingo Night!
Bingo is always well attended with scrumptious appetizers and desserts.
This year will be NO exception!
Bingo Night Donations are Welcome!
Please reach out to Eric Chupack ericchupack@gmail.com with questions if you plan to donate silent auction items so we can be ready with the supporting marketing (description, quantities, retail value, photo, etc.) for your items.
TBSBrotherhood meetings/events
• The Brotherhood is excited to host this year’s Bingo fundraiser on 2/22/25.
Bingo is always well attended with scrumptious appetizers and desserts. This year will be NO exception!
• Brotherhood Membership
The Brotherhood performs much needed projects for TBS. Even if you cannot participate in Brotherhood, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION. This will help to complete the many projects planned for 2024 – 2025 for TBS. Please contact treasurer Art Busch, ascyb34@yahoo.com with any questions.
* Please Do Not pay along with your Temple dues.
• We meet throughout the year in the spirit of friendship and good humor. We sponsor social events, fundraisers and building beautification projects to support and enhance the TBS community. Announcements will be posted as soon as they are available!
Contact: Mike Miller at: mikemillercsi@roadrunner.com
Thank you for your support!
TBSSisterhood meetings/events
• Another wonderful dinner has been set up for us by Kim Strausser❤️. Join us for our next Sisterhood Dinner on Thursday, February 13 at Veg+ at 6:45 PM. Veg+ is at 5893 Akron Cleveland Road, Hudson, OH, USA
Please rsvp to Kim at kimstrausser@gmail.com
Hopefully the weather will cooperate this time.
Julie Lakas
• You’re Invited! To Robin Selinger’s Sisterhood Shabbat dinner. Feb 28, 2025 at 6:30 pm, Robin will supply a main dish (chicken) and matzo ball soup, along with water, wine, and grape juice.
We need to bring challah, appetizers, desserts, side dishes, salads, vegetarian dishes, and any soft drinks or other beverages that you would enjoy. When you choose a slot, please leave a comment indicating what you plan to bring.
Please complete sign-ups by Feb 21. Thank you!
Sign-up genius link: http://tiny.cc/shabbatwithrobin
• Join the Sisterhood and support us with a dues donation. Please email me, Robin Rosen-Sharp (rrsdvm2@gmail.com) if you need a membership form and would like to mail your payment.
* Please Do Not pay along with your Temple dues.

Thank you for your support!

Website Notes and Links
*Receive our weekly e-newsletters!
Please email your First Name, Last Name, and Email Address
to: hberman44236@yahoo.com
Past e-Megillahs can be found on Media > e-Megillah Newsletters page
CALENDAR PAGE View upcoming services and events
SHABBAT SERVICE ID: 861 4959 4595. Contact TBS or join our Facebook group for access.
Available when noted on the Upcoming Events schedule
TORAH STUDY ID: 844 3145 6155. Contact TBS or join our Facebook group for access.
Saturday Prayer Essentials and Torah Study
KENT HILLEL SHABBAT Candle-lighting, Service/Community Discussion, FREE Dinner (*Registration is REQUIRED and will close each week on Thursday at 2:00pm)
KENT HILLEL Providing a comfortable atmosphere for socializing, studying, or connecting spiritually for students
Zeffy We can now use Zeffy for Dues, Fees, and Donations.
Temple Beth Shalom does not pay a fee
ISRAEL DONATIONS Donations to support Israel can be made at
Cleveland Federation

Please include ‘e-megillah news‘ in the subject field.
We are looking for Volunteers to help our Temple
A monthly yahrzeit list of TBS family loved ones will now be published in the e-megillah
as well as read during Shabbat services.
Audrey Gardner Alberty • Dr. Walter Bouscher • Samantha Costea
Richard Allen Draper • Ruth Ersoff • Samuel Ersoff
Diana Greenberg • Sala Gutman • Andrew Koller
Florence Rubino • Jerry Tavens • Simon Telesman • Lori Vishnea
If you have names to add, please send them with their yahrzeit date to:
Laurie Frankino, Ritual Chair, at lfrankino@gmail.com.
- Thur. 2/13, 6:45 pm: Sisterhood Dinner – at Veg+, 5893 Akron Cleveland Road, Hudson
- Sat. 2/15, 9:00 – 9:40 am: Prayer Essentials – zoom & in-person
- Sat. 2/15, 9:45 – 11:00 am: Torah Study – zoom & in-person
- Fri. 2/21, 7:30 pm: Shabbat Service – in-person only
- Sat. 2/22, 7:00 – 9:30 pm: Bingo Night – By popular demand – at TBS
- Sat. 3/1, 9:00 – 9:40 am: Prayer Essentials – zoom & in-person
- Sat. 3/1, 9:45 – 11:00 am: Torah Study – zoom & in-person
- Fri. 3/7, 6:00 – 8:00 pm: Special Nariya Shabbat – TBS field trip @ Beth El the Heights with Rabbi Micah Shapiro
- Fri. 3/14, 7:30 pm: Purim Shabbat & Megillah Reading – in-person only