e-Megillah, June 27, 2024
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Issue #674
Letter from Rabbi Ross
Dear TBS Friends and Family,
Please join me in welcoming Deb Rogers to TBS as our new cantorial soloist!
Deb’s first service will be this Friday at Sisterhood’s amazing “Nature Shabbat.” A week later, Jesse Warman will have his Bar Mitzvah on Sat. 7/6. TBS members are welcome to attend that service at 10:30 a.m. And on July 12, we will have a welcome ritual for our new conversion candidates as they enter into our community. Please join us for these special gatherings and come meet Deb!
After these three events, I will take a month off for a summer break. This year, I will attend the final retreat of my rabbinic spirituality program in July, and then I will spend a week teaching at Camp Havaya, the reconstructionist summer camp in the Pocono Mountains.
Important Religious School News
We are delighted to announce that Kate Paleschi has accepted our offer to become TBS’ new education director this fall!
Jean and I will guide her as she gets acquainted with the role of director. Kate has been teaching middle school for the past few years and taught our 3rd and 4th graders this past year..
TBS will formally welcome Deb and Kate into our community in a special service in August at Hudson Springs Park.
Donations to support Israel can be made at
Cleveland Federation:
TBSBrotherhood meetings/events
• Brotherhood Membership
Please contact treasurer Art Busch, ascyb34@yahoo.com with any questions. Your financial support is much appreciated.
The Brotherhood performs much needed projects for TBS. Even if you cannot participate in Brotherhood, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION. This will help to complete the many projects planned for 2024 for TBS.
We meet throughout the year in the spirit of friendship and good humor. We sponsor social events, fundraisers and building beautification projects to support and enhance the TBS community. Contact: Mike Miller at mikemillercsi@roadrunner.com
TBSSisterhood meetings/events
• We are working on the service for the Sisterhood Shabbat on June 28th.
How you can become involved:
- Help write the service with Robin, Julie and Jeanie
- Sing up front (in a group) for a song or two and/or do an English reading
- Send me nature photos you have taken
- Bring something for our Oneg
- Attend
* All who are planning to attend and would like to do a reading, please send an email or text to Robin Rosen-Sharp- rrsdvm2@gmail.com.
• Next events are a dinner out in the planning stages and the Sisterhood late June Service.
• In July/Aug we’ll have a potluck brunch at Jeanie’s house to talk about next year!
Temple Beth Shalom
Website Notes
• Past e-Megillahs can be found on Media/e-Megillah Newsletters page:
You will need to use the password TBSHudson
You can view upcoming services and events on the Calendar page:
Some ways to volunteer include:
• Backup our Email newsletter • Coordinator for TBS security support • Setup/takedown for Temple activities • Sponsor an Oneg • Coordinate Zoom services • Other activities to match your interests, abilities and availability
A monthly yahrzeit list of TBS family loved ones will now be published in the e-megillah
as well as read during Shabbat services.
David R Bigam • Michael Paul Busch • Ira Dubner
Helene Grauer • Albert Neuman • Kenneth Koller
Peter McDonald • Lorraine Ramras • Sophia Rose
Harry Singer • Hazel Strausser
If you have names to add, please send them with their yahrzeit date to:
Laurie Frankino, Ritual Chair, at lfrankino@gmail.com.
- Fri., 6/28, 7:30 pm: Sisterhood’s Nature Shabbat – with Deb Rogers
- Sat., 7/6, 10:30 am: Jesse Warman Bar Mitzvah Service – with Deb Rogers
- Fri., 7/12, 7:30 pm: Shabbat Service & Welcome Ritual for New Conversion Candidates – with Deb Rogers