e-Megillah, January 23, 2025

Temple Beth Shalom, Hudson, Ohio

Thursday January 23, 2025
Issue #699

Letter from Rabbi Ross
Rabbi Michael Ross
Dear TBS Friends and Family,

This has been quite a week in the Jewish world.
On Sunday, after the cease-fire began, three Israeli hostages were released from Hamas captivity. Tears of gratitude flowed down my cheeks as I heard the news. Anger for the delay of over 8 months followed afterwards. I am grateful for President Trump’s insertion into the process to complete President Biden’s hard work for the past year. It is not a perfect deal, it’s the only deal out there.
What I am hearing from Israeli leaders and commentators this week is that the future of the cease-fire and future hostage releases might rely on Trump’s continued leadership and his desire for peace.
On Monday, I joined with eight other local rabbis at the Greater Cleveland Congregations panel discussion about MLK’s legacy at Olivet Church in Cleveland. It was a deep blessing to feel productive on MLK day.
Monday evening, Trump pardoned the January 6 rioters, including members of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers. We should all be paying close attention to this development. Locally, the Canton white supremacist who threatened the Jews at Kent State in 2022 was also released from prison a few weeks ago.
On Wednesday, at TBS, Sofia and Jaime Padilla celebrated the bris of their first son! Many of the Judaism 101 folks joined in the simcha.  In this week of chaotic news, it was such a profound moment of hope and blessing for our community. May Lior Padilla be a shining light for his family and for our community!
We conclude this busy week with the Selinger Tribute this Friday night.
Please join us for this wonderful gathering!


*** To aid those whose would like to attend tonight’s service through Zoom rather than in person due to the very cold weather or because you are friends of the Selinger’s from out of town, please hit control & double click the link below to link to the zoom address to view tonight’s service. Adam, our Zoom master will connect you to the service.



TBS’ Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Starting this winter!
Have you wanted to transform your adult understanding of Judaism into a meaningful ritual? We are forming an adult b’nai mitzvah class this fall. We will spend the next 18 months studying together. Each student will read from the Torah, lead part of a group prayer service, and deliver a D’var Torah.
Rabbi Michael Ross and Jean Beasley will be the instructors. Costs will be determined by enrollment.
– Jewish Prayer Essentials – structure & meaning of prayers (Fall ’24: Saturday mornings before Torah Study, from 9:00 – 9:45 am)
– Making Prayer Real – the art of prayer (Spring ’25, Saturdays before Torah Study, from 9:00 – 9:45 am)
– Basic Hebrew (Winter and Spring ’25, class time to be determined)
– Torah Reading & Chanting (Fall ’25)
– Spiritual Autobiography writing (Fall ’25 or Spring ’26)

TBS Legacy Fund Update

Looking to Broaden Participation!

We have now reached $127,000 or 63% of our goal which includes some of the matching funds which are doubling everyone’s contributions. All great news, but here’s
the new challenge. Only 28% of the congregation has contributed. We would love to see that reach 100%. Please, please consider joining us in owning our building outright and insuring the future of our beloved Temple Beth Shalom.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help us reach our other goal of 100% participation with the added benefit of being doubled towards our total. Let’s take pride by working together to be able to say we all contributed to the future of our Jewish heritage.

Blessings to all,
Larry Terkel

Donations to support Israel can be made at
Cleveland Federation: 


Temple Beth Shalom can now use Zeffy for donations, membership dues or other payments. On the Dues/Fees/Donations tab on tbshudson.org is the option Zeffy, which works like PayPal except Temple Beth Shalom does not pay a fee.
 Dues/Fees/Donations Link 

TBSBrotherhood                                            meetings/events

• The Brotherhood is excited to host this year’s Bingo fundraiser on 2/22/25.
Bingo is always well attended with scrumptious appetizers and desserts. This year will be NO exception!

 Brotherhood Membership
The Brotherhood performs much needed projects for TBS. Even if you cannot participate in Brotherhood, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION. This will help to complete the many projects planned for 2024 – 2025 for TBS. Please contact treasurer Art Busch, ascyb34@yahoo.com with any questions.
* Please Do Not pay along with your Temple dues

• We meet throughout the year in the spirit of friendship and good humor. We sponsor social events, fundraisers and building beautification projects to support and enhance the TBS community. Announcements will be posted as soon as they are available!
Contact: Mike Miller at: mikemillercsi@roadrunner.com
Thank you for your support!

TBSSisterhood                                                    meetings/events

Sisterhood Night Out!

• A group from the Sisterhood braved the cold on Tuesday evening and had dinner at Blu Basil. It was fun and delicious!

• Join the Sisterhood and support us with a dues donation. Please email me, Robin Rosen-Sharp (rrsdvm2@gmail.com) if you need a membership form and would like to mail your payment.
* Please Do Not pay along with your Temple dues.  

• Upcoming meetings and events are currently being planned and scheduled by the Sisterhood. Announcements will be posted as soon as they are available!
Thank you for your support!

Temple Beth Shalom
Website Notes and Links

• Past e-Megillahs can be found on Media/e-Megillah Newsletters page:
You will need to use the password TBSHudson

You can also view upcoming services and events on the Calendar page:

Meeting ID: 861 4959 4595, Passcode: shabbat
Meeting ID: 844 3145 6155, Passcode: tbstorah

Save the Date! February 22, 2025
Back by Popular Demand! TBS Bingo Night!
Bingo is always well attended with scrumptious appetizers and desserts.
This year will be NO exception!

Bingo Night Silent Auction Donations are Welcome!

Please reach out to Eric Chupack ericchupack@gmail.com with questions if you plan to donate silent auction items so we can be ready with the supporting marketing (description, quantities, retail value, photo, etc.) for your items.

We love to share news & announcements at TBS

Please send us your announcements, engagements, weddings, graduations, sports news, kid news, etc. to: e-megillah editor, hberman44236@yahoo.com no later than ONE WEEK PRIOR to the next issue.
Please include ‘e-megillah news‘ in the subject field.

We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help our Temple!
Activities to match your interests and abilities
are still available!

   D E A T H S  I N  T H E   L A S T  Y E A R   

Jane Litt  •  Jack Scanlon

A monthly yahrzeit list of TBS family loved ones will now be published in the e-megillah
as well as read during Shabbat services.

   J A N U A R Y   Y A H R Z E I T S   

Joseph Beck  •  Cynthia Blazey  •  Harry Robert Bronstein
Mildred Caplin  •  Helen Cooper  •  Celia Eisen
Xenia Fischmann Culiner  •  Frank Frankino
Sabina Fromm  •  Theodore Hess  •  Sarah Koller
Simon Krutowsky  •  Dorothy Long  •  Deborah B Neiburg
Leo Schildhouse  •  Robert Noel Schildhouse  •  Anne Selinger
Haim Singer  •  Allen Slivka  •  Maurice Terkel  •  Sylvia Weisman

If you have names to add, please send them with their yahrzeit date to:
Laurie Frankino, Ritual Chair, at lfrankino@gmail.com. 

      T B S
  • Fri. 1/24, 7:30 pm: Special Shabbat – Honoring Robin & Jonathan Selinger – in-person & zoom
  • Sat. 2/1, 9:00 – 9:40 am: Prayer Essentials – zoom & in-person
  • Sat. 2/1, 9:45 – 11:00 am: Torah Study – zoom & in-person
  • Fri. 2/7, 7:30 pm: Tu Bishvat Shabbat –  in-person only
  • Sat. 2/15, 9:00 – 9:40 am: Prayer Essentials – zoom & in-person
  • Sat. 2/15, 9:45 – 11:00 am: Torah Study – zoom & in-person
  • Sat. 2/22,  7:00 – 9:30 pm: By popular demand – Bingo Night – at TBS
For more information on temple services and other activities, please refer to the temple website: