e-Megillah, June 13, 2024


Thursday, June 13, 2024
Issue #672

Letter from Rabbi Ross
Rabbi Michael Ross
Dear TBS Friends and Family,

I hope you had a wonderful Shavuot this week! TBS co-sponsored the Night of Learning at B’nai Jeshurun, and we had a minyan of TBS and Judaism 101 students on hand! It was a joy to represent TBS and Hillel as I presented a session about navigating grief and joy during this precarious time.

We will continue the Shavuot celebration Friday night, when we read the 10 Commandments during our Torah Service. This will take place after the Annual Meeting at 6:30. Join us!

Religious School Updates
The TBS Search Committee conducted an interview this week with a candidate for the Education Director role. We expect a significant update shortly!

Donations to support Israel can be made at
Cleveland Federation: 


FRIDAY, JUNE 14  6:30 pm Social Room

 Please join your current Board of Trustees as they conduct the   TBS Annual Meeting, Friday, June 14.
• 6:30 pm: Wine & Cheese welcome in the Social Room
• 6:45-7:30 pm: Annual Meeting led by co-presidents James Field & Laurie Frankino

– Review of the Year
– Review of the current budget 2023-2024
– Review of the proposed budget 2024-2025
– Nomination and election of Board of Trustees 2024-2025 including new president nominee, Larry Terkel
– Q&A

• 7:40 pm: Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Ross & Chuck Fink
Sweets & Treats oneg provided by Kim Strausser & Mike Miller

TBSBrotherhood meetings/events                                                  

 Brotherhood Membership
Please contact treasurer Art Busch, ascyb34@yahoo.com with any questions. Your financial support is much appreciated.

The Brotherhood performs much needed projects for TBS. Even if you cannot participate in Brotherhood, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION. This will help to complete the many projects planned for 2024 for TBS.
We meet throughout the year in the spirit of friendship and good humor. We sponsor social events, fundraisers and building beautification projects to support and enhance the TBS community. Contact: Mike Miller at mikemillercsi@roadrunner.com

TBSSisterhood meetings/events                                                        

• We are working on the service for the Sisterhood Shabbat on June 28th.
How you can become involved:

  1. Help write the service with Robin, Julie and Jeanie
  2. Sing up front (in a group) for a song or two and/or do an English reading
  3. Send me nature photos you have taken
  4. Bring something for our Oneg
  5. Attend

All who are planning to attend and would like to do a reading, please send an email or text to Robin Rosen-Sharp- rrsdvm2@gmail.com’

• Next events are a dinner out in the planning stages and the Sisterhood late June Service.

• In July/Aug we’ll have a potluck brunch at Jeanie’s house to talk about next year!

Temple Beth Shalom Website Notes

Past e-Megillahs can be found on Media/e-Megillah Newsletters page:
  E-MEGILLAH NEWSLETTERS    You will need to use the password TBSHudson

You can view upcoming services and events on the Calendar page:

We are looking for volunteers to help our Temple.
Please email James Field at jdfield23@aol.com if you would like to be a TBS Super Supporter. Some ways to volunteer include:
• Backup to our Email newsletter
• Coordinator with the Cleveland Jewish Federation for security support
• Setup/takedown of furniture and refreshments for Temple activities
• Sponsoring an Oneg
• Coordinating Zoom services
• Many other activities to match your interests, abilities and availability

We love to share good news at TBS!
Please send us your announcements, engagements, weddings, graduations, sports news, kid news, etc. to: e-megillah editor, hberman44236@yahoo.com no later than ONE WEEK PRIOR to the next issue. Please include ‘e-megillah news‘ in the subject field.

•  Y A H R Z E I T S   
 D E A T H S   I N   T H E   L A S T   Y E A R 
John Andro  •  Norman Taer  •  Mark Varney
•    •    •    •    •
A monthly yahrzeit list of TBS family loved ones will now be published in the e-megillah
as well as read during Shabbat services.
J U N E    Y A H R Z E I T S
David R Bigam  •  Michael Paul Busch  •  Ira Dubner •  Helene Grauer
Albert Neuman  •  Kenneth Koller  •  Peter McDonald  •  Lorraine Ramras
Sophia Rose  •  Harry Singer  •  Hazel Strausser

If you have names to add, please send them with their yahrzeit date to Laurie Frankino, Ritual Chair, at lfrankino@gmail.com.

     U  P  C  O  M  I  N  G     T  B  S     E  V  E  N  T  S     

  • Fri., 6/14, 6:30 pm: Congregational Meeting followed by Shavuot Service at 7:30pm 
  • Fri., 6/28, 7:30 pm: Sisterhood’s Nature Shabbat
  • Sat., 7/6, 10:30 am: Jesse Warman Bar Mitzvah Service
  • Fri., 7/12, 7:30 pm: Shabbat Service & Welcome Ritual for our New Conversion Candidates
For more information on temple services and other activities, please refer to the temple website: