Letter from Rabbi Ross Dear TBS Friends and Family,
Exciting News – TBS’ Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Starting this fall!
Have you wanted to transform your adult understanding of Judaism into a meaningful ritual? We are forming an adult b’nai mitzvah class this fall. We will spend the next 18 months studying together. Each student will read from the Torah, lead part of a group prayer service, and deliver a D’var Torah. Rabbi Michael Ross and Jean Beasley will be the instructors. Costs will be determined by enrollment. CLASSES: – Jewish Prayer Essentials – structure & meaning of prayers (Fall ’24: Saturday mornings before Torah Study, from 9:00 – 9:45 am) – Making Prayer Real – the art of prayer (Spring ’25, Saturdays before Torah Study, from 9:00 – 9:45 am) – Basic Hebrew (Winter and Spring ’25, class time to be determined) – Torah Reading & Chanting (Fall ’25) – Spiritual Autobiography writing (Fall ’25 or Spring ’26)
Zoom link for Torah Study Classes:
This is the same link for each class. TORAH STUDYLINK
Meeting ID: 844 3145 6155, Passcode: tbstorah
I have had the honor of coordinating the High Holy Days holiday services and events since Matriarch Evie Weinberger recruited me to take her place in the early 2000’s. Over the years, I have worked with 4 Rabbis who each had a different vision of our holiday services, which has been a great learning experience. Now, at age 75, I am ready to build a new team to coordinate the holidays. I will spend this year recruiting people who will have fun creating their own fresh view of traditional rituals. Please contact me if you would like to be part of our team.
My sincere thanks to those who contributed their talents to the success of this year’s holiday services and events.
• Jean Beasley, Torah reader, Religious School holiday coordinator
• Harry Berman-e-megillah editor
• Joyce Bigam, Break the Fast partner
• Art Busch, Ticket Mailing, Torah reader, Usher, ramp facilitator
• Cheryl Butensky-Ticket mailing, baked the honey cakes for our Erev Rosh Hashanah oneg
• Marcy Caplin-Annual Food Drive coordinator
• Eric Chupack- Audio facilitator
• Drew Dallet- graphics creator for all holiday printed materials
• James Field-Treasurer, Torah Honors
• Wendy Hess-Yom Kippur Afternoon Adult Ed facilitator
• Julie Lakas-Plumber extraordinaire, Jack of all trades assistant
• Barbara Leukart-security coordinator for all holiday and Shabbat services
• Beth Madis-holiday book coordinator
• Amy McCormick-guest & student tickets coordinator for all holiday services. Membership chair
• Kim Strausser & Mike Miller- service readers, religious school student activities
• Robin Selinger – mentor to Deb Rogers, Torah honors
• Marc Shapiro – Usher & Security
• Mark Schildhouse-reader, Aliyah honor
• Robin Rosen-Sharp-Reader, Sisterhood Erev Rosh Hashanah liaison
• Larry Terkel-Master of Ceremonies
I enjoyed seeing TBS friends at the sanctuary door and wish each of you a healthy, happy new year.
Laurie Frankino, Ritual Chair
Donations to support Israel can be made at
Cleveland Federation:
Temple Beth Shalom can now use Zeffy for donations, membership dues or other payments. On the Dues/Fees/Donations tab on tbshudson.org is the option Zeffy, which works like PayPal except Temple Beth Shalom does not pay a fee. Dues/Fees/Donations Link
• Brotherhood Membership
Please contact treasurer Art Busch, ascyb34@yahoo.com with any questions.
Your financial support is much appreciated.
The Brotherhood performs much needed projects for TBS. Even if you cannot participate in Brotherhood,
Please contact treasurer Art Busch, ascyb34@yahoo.com with any questions.
Your financial support is much appreciated.
The Brotherhood performs much needed projects for TBS. Even if you cannot participate in Brotherhood, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION. This will help to complete the many projects planned for 2024 for TBS.
We meet throughout the year in the spirit of friendship and good humor. We sponsor social events, fundraisers and building beautification projects to support and enhance the TBS community. Contact: Mike Miller at: mikemillercsi@roadrunner.com TBSSisterhoodmeetings/events
• Join the Sisterhood and support us with a dues donation. Please email me, Robin Rosen-Sharp (rrsdvm2@gmail.com) if you need a membership form and would like to mail your payment.
Otherwise you can use this PayPal link: PAYPAL
or this zeffy Link: zeffy Dues/Fees/Donations
Please Do Notpay along with your Temple dues.
• Upcoming meetings and events are currently being planned and scheduled by the Sisterhood. Announcements will be posted as soon as they are available! Thank you for your support!
Book Club!
Our friends from the First Congregational Church would like to have a book club with us! We plan on reading a book by Jonathan Sacks called “To Heal a Fractured World.” We are planning to meet November 12 at 6:00 PM at Temple Beth Shalom. If interested in reading and joining a discussion, please email kimstrausser@gmail.com
Temple Beth Shalom Website Notes
• Past e-Megillahs can be found on Media/e-Megillah Newsletters page: E-MEGILLAH NEWSLETTERS
You will need to use the password TBSHudson
You can view upcoming services and events on the Calendar page: CALENDAR PAGE
We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help our Temple! Activities to match your interests and abilities
are still available!
Welove to share news & announcements at TBS
Please send us your announcements, engagements, weddings, graduations, sports news, kid news, etc. to: e-megillah editor, hberman44236@yahoo.com no later than ONE WEEK PRIOR to the next issue.
Please include ‘e-megillah news‘ in the subject field.
John Andro • Norman Taer • Mark Varney • Karen Touve
A monthly yahrzeit list of TBS family loved ones will now be published in the e-megillah
as well as read during Shabbat services.
John Andro•Mary Blazey•Alex Burstein•Celia Busch Evelyn Costea • Janet Houghton•Karen Klaus Herbert William Kirchheimer•Charles Masetta•Sylvia Lowe Miller Mary Minor•Alan Roberts •Else Tietz Scholem Billie Taer•Herbert R Wismer
If you have names to add, please send them with their yahrzeit date to:
Laurie Frankino, Ritual Chair, at lfrankino@gmail.com.
Fri. 10/18, 5:30 pm: Hillel’s Sukkot Shabbat Dinner & Service – at Hillel – please RSVP by Wednesday 10/16 at kenthillel.org
Sat. 10/19, 9:30 am: Sukkot Torah Study & Bagel Brunch!in-person and on zoom
Sun: 10/20, 11:00 am: Pizza in the Hut & Lulav waving party! – in the Sukkah!
Fri. 10/25, 7:30 pm: Simchat Torah Service – in-person only
Tues. 11/12, 6:00 pm: Book Clubat Temple Beth Shalom
For more information on temple services and other activities, please refer to the temple website: