Letter from Rabbi Ross

Rabbi Michael RossDear TBS friends and family,

Please join us for Torah For Our Times this Saturday at 9:30 a.m., as we read Parshat Emor. We will explore holiness in time. All are welcome!


The holiday of Shavuot begins Sunday 5/16 at sundown. It’s a time to commemorate the giving of the 10 commandments at Mount Sinai. It’s also a spring harvest festival and dairy foods are often served in abundance!

TBS has co-sponsored the community Shavuot night of learning, at Bnai Jeshurun in Pepper Pike, the past few years. We will do so again this year, and Rabbi Michael Ross will be teaching on Zoom at 8:30 pm Sun. 5/16 on “Re-imagining the Covenant.” Please click here to view the flyer for details. We will all need to register beforehand to access the Zoom link that night.

You can register for the Shavuot sessions here: https://bnaijeshurun.formstack.com/forms/snl

Torah study on Sat. 5/15 will focus on the special Shavuot text, the Book of Ruth, in preparation for the holiday. We will add Shavuot themes into our Friday service on 5/21.


  • Sat. 5/1, 5/15, 9:30 am: Torah For Our Times
  • Fri. 5/7, 5/21, 7:30 pm: Zoom Shabbat Service
  • SAVE THE DATE – Sun. 5/16, 7:30 pm – 2 am: Community-Wide Leil Tikkun Shavuot – A Special Night of Learning. Rabbi Michael will be teaching at 8:30 about “Re-imagining the Covenant.” Registration: https://bnaijeshurun.formstack.com/forms/snl