e-Megillah, July 4, 2024

Temple Beth Shalom, Hudson, Ohio

Thursday July, 4, 2024
Issue #675

Letter from Rabbi Ross
Rabbi Michael Ross
Dear TBS Friends and Family,

This Saturday, at 10:30 am, we will call Jesse Warman to the bimah for his Bar Mitzvah. You are welcome to join us for the morning service!
Jesse has been a leader in our religious school the past two years, and he created our butterfly garden on the side of our synagogue building.

Here’s my new column for this weekend’s papers:
Sandra Boynton writes lovely stories and songs for children. One of our favorites in our home is “Singing in the Shower.” When my son was small he loved that song. Today he is 12, and he still sings in the shower. My wife and I share a smile when we hear him each night. He loves to sing.

My wife, who is also a rabbi, loves to sing. She has a wonderful voice, and leads her community in song and prayer regularly. I do not have a wonderful voice. I have a simple voice. But I love the power of singing and I am blessed to sing with our cantorial soloists at Temple Beth Shalom in Hudson and our student leaders at Hillel at Kent State. Singing unlocks something deep inside me that is freeing. Singing with my community connects me to the songs and prayers we sing, and it connects me to each community member who joins the holy act of singing.

In early June, I joined a new Jewish music project, “Nariya Cleveland.” This group began in the spring. Once a month, at the synagogue, Beth El – The Heights, in Cleveland Heights, on a Thursday evening, a dozen songleaders, a half-dozen musicians  and a handful of rabbis meet to rehearse the liturgy and compositions. Rabbi Micah Shapiro had created and led this type of project in Boston for several years and has now brought it here to NEO. The next night, at our Friday night service, something magical unfolded. Around 100 people showed up for this gorgeous service. They came from more than 6 different Jewish communities. And we all sit together and sang in a series of expanding song circles. Our songs opened our hearts, and we experienced this deep sense of connection and gratitude for the prayers we are singing. We then went downstairs for a delicious Shabbat dinner.

Last week, Temple Beth Shalom hired a new cantorial soloist, Deb Rogers to lead our Shabbat and holiday services. A few times, a small handful of members joined her for choral songs that lifted our spirits in their beauty. This week, Deb and I began our musical planning for the upcoming High Holiday season.

For the past 18 months, I have been studying in a cohort of rabbis and cantors together. We study mindfulness meditation, yoga, and text study. Every morning, we gather together for a transformative hour of songs and prayers that grounds us in our practice, and radically opens our hearts. Our final retreat is next week. I can honestly say these moments of communal prayer and song have opened my heart again and again to the wonder and utter joy of singing in community.

One way to get beyond our divided, polarized times is to come together and sing. As we celebrate the 4th of July this week, let me encourage us all to find our voices in song. And let me encourage the spiritual seekers to fulfill the imperative of Psalm 97, “Sing to God a new song!”

Sing of joy, sing of hope, sing of gratitude. Your soul will thank you.

Important Religious School News
We are delighted to announce that Kate Paleschi has accepted our offer to become TBS’ new education director this fall!
Jean and I will guide her as she gets acquainted with the role of director. Kate has been teaching middle school for the past few years and taught our 3rd and 4th graders this past year.

TBS will formally welcome Deb and Kate into our community in a special service in August at Hudson Springs Park.

Donations to support Israel can be made at
Cleveland Federation: 



TBSBrotherhood                                            meetings/events

 Brotherhood Membership
Please contact treasurer Art Busch, ascyb34@yahoo.com with any questions. Your financial support is much appreciated.

The Brotherhood performs much needed projects for TBS. Even if you cannot participate in Brotherhood, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION. This will help to complete the many projects planned for 2024 for TBS.
We meet throughout the year in the spirit of friendship and good humor. We sponsor social events, fundraisers and building beautification projects to support and enhance the TBS community. Contact: Mike Miller at mikemillercsi@roadrunner.com
TBSSisterhood                                                    meetings/events

• The Sisterhood Nature Shabbat was well-received and a great joy to work on.
Thank you for all your contributions. If you see the Rabbi, thank him for our new, lovely service booklet. If there is anything you would like to see improved or had a favorite part, please let me know. Michelle Touve-Holland’s flowers were sumptuous! Thank you all for your contributions!

• Next events are a dinner out in the planning stages (watch your email) and the Aug-Sept 2024-2025 kick off meeting potluck brunch at Jeanie’s.

Temple Beth Shalom
Website Notes
• Past e-Megillahs can be found on Media/e-Megillah Newsletters page:
You will need to use the password TBSHudson

You can view upcoming services and events on the Calendar page:

We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help our Temple!
Please email James Field at jdfield23@aol.com if you would like to be a TBS Super Supporter.
Some ways to volunteer include:
• Backup our Email newsletter • Coordinator for TBS security support • Setup/takedown for Temple activities • Sponsor an Oneg • Coordinate Zoom services • Other activities to match your interests, abilities and availability

We love to share news & announcements at TBS
Please send us your announcements, engagements, weddings, graduations, sports news, kid news, etc. to: e-megillah editor, hberman44236@yahoo.com no later than ONE WEEK PRIOR to the next issue. Please include ‘e-megillah news‘ in the subject field.

   E A T H S   I N   T H E   L A S T   Y E A R   
John Andro  •  Norman Taer  •  Mark Varney

A monthly yahrzeit list of TBS family loved ones will now be published in the e-megillah
as well as read during Shabbat services.

   J U L Y    Y A H R Z E I T S   

Mike Berman    Douglas Blazey    Anny Kiefer Bouscher
Cynthia Cremer  
  Abraham Dubner    John M Field    Pamela Frankino
Ned V Hiner  
  Charles A Koller    Milton Litt    Ann Lublin
Sidney Aaron Neiburg  
  Arnold Remer    Harold Lawrence Rosen
Norberto Kurt Scholem  
  Samuel Scholem    Carl Selinger 
Gary Shapiro  •  David Alan Siegel   John Vecchio
Evelyn Weinberger  
  Woodrow Wilson

If you have names to add, please send them with their yahrzeit date to:
Laurie Frankino, Ritual Chair, at lfrankino@gmail.com. 

      T B S

  • Sat., 7/6, 10:30 am: Jesse Warman Bar Mitzvah Service – with Deb Rogers
  • Fri., 7/12, 7:30 pm: Shabbat Service & Welcome Ritual for New Conversion  Candidates – with Deb Roger
  • Sun., 7/21, 1:00 pm: Unveiling Ceremony for David Siegel – TBS Cemetery Section, Markillie Cemetery, Hudson – dessert immediately following at the temple
  • Fri., 8/30, 5:30 pm: Annual Family Cookout & Service, Hudson Springs Park
  • Sun., 9/8, First Serve, Hudson
  • Fri., 9/13, 7:30 pm: Shabbat Service
  • Fri., 9/27, 7:30 pm: Shabbat Service
For more information on temple services and other activities, please refer to the temple website: