Will you be participating in FirstServe on Sunday, August 19th?

FirstServe 2018Fellow Temple Beth Shalom Congregants,

Volunteer opportunities for “Temple Beth Shalom FirstServe Signup Sheet” are now open. Please respond as soon as you can. I would appreciate responses being in by Sunday 8/12.

The main FirstServe date is Sunday, Sept 9. However, because that evening is the start of Rosh Hashanah, TBS congregants can serve on Sunday August 19th. We would like to gauge how many congregants will participate. I have rough details right now, but hopefully enough to make a decision.

  • Two projects will be available, one an all family (likely cleanup such as the canal path) and one more skilled (such as painting).
  • The time will likely be from 10am to 3pm, with a 1 hour break for lunch.
  • The location will either be Summit Lake or North Hill. We look to carpool from the Temple.

Please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn’t work) to go to the signup sheet (I created this just for TBS):


To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do.

Thank you for volunteering!

James Field

Questions or problems with signup sheet? Call me at 330.962.7462
or email jdfield23@aol.com

A video about First Serve can be found at this link: