Message from the President 8/20/2015

Greetings to my dear TBS friends! It is August and a week away from our popular outdoor service on August 28th at Hudson Springs Park. I think it is a lovely way to enjoy the last of August! I hesitate to say the “end” of summer, but, we will be welcoming Rosh Hashanah soon. I hope to see many of you there! I love that it feels a little bit like camp under the shelter and that often our younger members feel free to join in song and perhaps share some camp experiences. If you grew up going to Jewish camp, you may have some fond memories; and even if you didn’t attend a camp, please come and form some fond memories of our friendly service at Hudson Springs Park. The park is located at 7095 Stow Rd., Hudson, OH 44224. Visit for a map and more information. See you soon and Shabbat Shalom!