Social Action News 12/4/2014

Dear TBS Members,

We recently counted our Thanksgiving blessings with full stomachs in our warm homes. Now it is time for our congregation to do another mitzvah. The Summit County Children Service is always in need of hats, gloves and mittens for children of all ages.

The Summit County Children Service also provides food during the holiday for these families. This year SCCS requested a grocery gift card. You can purchase a gift card from a local grocery store. You can decide if you want to buy both the grocery gift card and the gloves, hat or mittens or just one of these items.

On Dec. 5 through Dec. 19, a small box for grocery gift cards and a larger box for hats, mittens and gloves will be in the social hall. For families with children, I think it is a nice family tzedakah tradition to let the children pick out the hat, gloves or mittens for SCCS.

Thank you for your support.

Jane Grover
Social Action Chair