Thank You 5/22/2014

Laurie FrankinoDear Friends,

I’m not sure I have the words to express my thanks for your participation in last weekend’s 36th anniversary events. Our Shabbat Dinner, anniversary service and ultimate oneg were so well received. The Sunday cookout was a Brotherhood masterpiece. The burgers and dogs were cooked to perfection and everyone seemed to have their fill. Rabbi’s moving blessing of our time capsule should keep it safe for the next 14 years when it will be opened on our 50th anniversary.

Most of all, on a personal note, I was overwhelmed by the thanks I received on Friday night. Temple work has always been a labor of love for me, so to be publically recognized and presented with a beautiful gift meant more than I can express.

Thank you all for your friendship and support.

Laurie Frankino
Ritual Chair